Sabtu, 13 Februari 2010

Create Email on Google

Requirements to create a blog, of course, is to have an email account. Why did you choose to gmail? Because gmail and blogger one parent that is google. Sure would be great results. In addition many facility gmail that will fit with your blog

1. Open

2. Click Create Account (Bottom Right)


3. Getting Started With Gmail
-First name and last name
-Desired lo gin name (the email address you want)
-Click the Check Availability (If you fail to try to fill with another address)
-Create a password (Enter your password)
-Enter the password Return (Enter your password again)
-Security Question (Used if you forget your future with E-mail address) (Select
questions / you can create their own questions by selecting Create own question)
-Answer (Enter your answer)
Secondary-Email (fill in your friend's email address. If you forget your password you can get at your secondary email)
- Location
-Verify (Enter the verification code in the search box)


4. Click I Accept. Create Account


Congratulations you have become an Account. Now you can directly go to to create a blog with great ease.

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Just A Man Im not Hero
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